Reviews - Romek's Lost Youth The Story of a Boy Survivor
How does a fledgling self-publisher get reviews for a book nobody has ever heard of before? We went through the gauntlet - emailing tons of inquiries to periodicals and newspapers in Canada and the United States, jockeying for their attention along with some tens of thousands of other hopeful authors; shipping our paperback copies to designated editors - who in their ivory towers would decide if our book was worthy of their stamp of approval (if they have even read it) and hence be featured in their lofty publication. Apparently, not? Q uel dommage. This experience was quite an eye-opener for me and has reinforced the reality of the playing field, so to speak. Needless to say, the publishing industry is still rooted in a distinct hierarchy that focuses only on a narrow cross-section of (money-making) authors which consist of career authors who have a long line of successful titles to their name, as well as esteemed professionals who have ironed out a unique angle to hawk their bo